credit default swap

美 [ˈkredɪt dɪˈfɔːlt swɑːp]英 [ˈkredɪt dɪˈfɔːlt swɒp]
  • 网络信贷违约互换;违约互换;信用违约互换;信贷违约掉期;信用违约掉期
credit default swapcredit default swap
  1. French credit default swap prices , a form of investor protection , rose to a record high as investors continued to fret over the eurozone debt crisis .


  2. And the credit default swap market , which I described as " dead in its current form " two years ago , is showing much more life than that , even though it still remains at barely half the volumes seen at its peak .


  3. Study on Bank Risk Control in Finance Warehousing Based on Credit Default Swap


  4. Credit default swap is a new financial instrument for controlling credit risk .


  5. Market turbulence caused by US Credit Default Swap and its lessons for reference


  6. The credit default swap is the basic credit derivatives .


  7. Empirical Analysis Based on the Lead-lag Relationship between European Credit Default Swap Market and Stock Market


  8. A Research on Credit Default Swap Pricing


  9. And the investment-grade Credit Default Swap market can influence the stock index more .


  10. Liquidity Risk - Adjusted Credit Default Swap Pricing


  11. Any measures to curtail credit default swap trading could have a bigger impact , however .


  12. Analyse of pricing theory of credit default swap build a foundation for its product design and trading in our country .


  13. Consider the situation in which a Java EE application needs to access credit default swap data from a specific trade .


  14. Besides , Credit Default Swap market has experienced a great boom in the last five years , maturing quickly .


  15. One aspect of this application might need to obtain current market data about the firms referenced in credit default swap trades .


  16. In this case , the bank could trigger the credit default swap by restructuring its bilateral credit facility .


  17. In the periphery countries , currencies fell , interest rates rose and credit default swap rates soared .


  18. The credit default swap market , once thought to be doomed , is operating at about half peak volumes .


  19. The WHERE clause restricts the update to a specific credit default swap trade involving Agrium Inc.


  20. Once the appropriate credit default swap data is retrieved from the database , the application can further manipulate the data as desired .


  21. Credit default swap is one of the most widely used financial products among credit derivatives which generally serve as a class of credit risk management tools .


  22. By putting in doubt the viability of the sovereign credit default swap market , leaders are making the debt crisis worse .


  23. This is a relational view that contains information about credit default swap derivatives that involve a failure to pay by some known entity .


  24. This article focuses on analyzing the main factor which affect the credit default swap pricing , and prices the credit default swap spreads reasonably .


  25. In the second chapter , the author discusses some basic issues of credit default swap , including the concept , major functions and the development of CDS market .


  26. Investment-grade corporate bonds have seen their creditworthiness fall sharply to their worst level since November , according to credit default swap indices .


  27. If you think that hedge funds have escaped the crisis , just think about what would happen if the credit default swap market imploded .


  28. According to the master agreements of ISDA , study the contract design of credit default swap and investigate the tax , accounting , legal and regulation problems .


  29. According to the study of British Bankers Association in 2002 , which shows that credit default swap accounted for more than half share in credit derivatives market .


  30. Therefore , the credit default swap is an effective tool reducing risk concentration without affecting the relationships with customers and it has fundamentally changed the traditional credit risk management .
